Eastridge Kids

Eastridge Kids is uniquely designed with K-5th graders in mind! Kids will be in a safe, fun, and age-appropriate environment where the Bible is taught in creative and relevant ways. The “E” in E-town stands for eternity, excellence, and of course, Eastridge.


After entering Eastridge, look for the area designated “check in.” A KIDS greeter will meet your family, check your child into our database system, and lead your child to a small group. At check in, you and your child will be given matching security tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion. You will retain the parent tag portion. In the event that we need to contact you during the service, your last name and family security code will appear on the screens in the auditorium. We ask that you exit the auditorium immediately and look for a staff member who will direct you to your child’s room. During checkout, you will return to your child’s room and show your parent tag in order for your child to be released back to you. We only release children to an adult, 18 years or older, with the correct security tag.


  1. We are here to serve parents! We want to guide and equip you to lead your children into a relationship with Jesus. Each week, you will receive a Parent Connect page that will help you continue the discussion about the weekly Bible story and “talking points” at home.

  2. We are here to serve your child! We are hard at work each week planning activities with your child in mind. We play games, make crafts, participate in worship and creatively teach the Bible.

  3. We are here to teach Christ-centered lessons. The Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation are Christ-centered and always point to Jesus as the hero of the story. Your child will learn how the Gospel transforms hearts and applies to every area of life. We teach in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation every three years.

Kids ministry values:

  • Safety

We believe that safety is vital as you entrust us with your child. Therefore, we have secure check in/out procedures and emergency plans in place, and we ensure that every children’s ministry volunteer has passed a state AND federal background check.

  • Creative Bible Teaching

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep kids engaged. We want children to love God’s Word and understand how it applies to their lives.

  • Age-Appropriate Activities

Our environments and Bible lesson materials are created with your child’s specific age and development in mind. Since students in elementary school are used to a more structured environment, a greater emphasis will be placed on understanding the details of the stories. These lessons will be reinforced with crafts, snacks, object lessons, and games.

  • Relationships

We value the relationships your child makes within large and small group settings. Volunteers will help your child connect with other children during “center” time that occurs at the beginning of service. Children will again meet new friends during small group time near the end of service.

  • Fun

Kids love FUN! Let’s face it…it’s their love language. We realize that when children have fun at church, they want to come back and learn more about Jesus.

Contact Eastridge Kids leader : Jamie@eastridge.church